Dr. Mike’s parent trainings and parent engagement keynotes are exciting, motivating, and inspiring. Parents will experience the genuine joy music and movement brings to learning while promoting brain development and positive parent-child interaction. Parents/guardians will leave with innovative approaches and strategies that develop language and literacy skills while also addressing their child’s social-emotional development. This partnership will create a positive home environment for all families and support the child’s education and well-being which leads to early school success and later life success.
The integration of singing and moving releases endorphins that brings pleasure to learning and also releases oxytocin that reduces our stress levels. Furthermore, this approach of singing and moving is also a powerful therapeutic tool for fidgety, restless, over-active, aggressive, and trauma-affected children. This multi-sensory approach meets the needs of ALL children, regardless of their linguistic, cognitive, physical, and social-emotional abilities. Overall, Dr. Mike’s keynote/training will empower families and strengthen communities while bringing JOY to learning.
Dr. Mike has keynoted national parent conferences, school district parent conferences, and has conducted trainings for parents in Head Start and other early childhood programs across the country.
Dr. Mike can present in both English and Spanish
Testimonials from Parent:
“¡Gracias por traer al Dr. Mike! Pasamos un tiempo maravilloso y todos aprendimos mucho. Espero que lo traiga otra vez durante el año. Todos participaron, incluso los padres varones. ¡Los padres se beneficiarán al escuchar y moverse con el Dr. Mike!”
“Thank you for bringing Dr. Mike! We had a wonderful time and we all learned so much. I hope you bring him again during the year. Everyone participated, even the male parents. Parents will benefit from listening and moving with Dr. Mike!”
Testimonials from School District Parent Engagement Director:
“It was a privilege to have Dr. Mike, serve as a keynote speaker for our annual Parent and Community Engagement Conference. The moment Dr. Mike stepped on stage, he immediately engaged the audience. He provided seamless transitions for multiple audiences by communicating simultaneously in English and Spanish. Throughout his motivating and impactful presentation, he incorporated research, music and movement activities, and visuals the audience could relate to for a rich differentiated learning experience.”