* Group students in pairs (pass out tongue depressors so students can find their matching partner). Read story and have students share their thoughts on questions asked (click here) before, during and after reading, plus narrative questions (click for pdf)
* Things to share after reading book, singing and chanting song
a) Listen to the words I say and tell me if they rhyme: wall – stick / wall – ball. Select words from song (egg, sat, wall, sat, king, men)and rhyming and non-rhyming words
b) Tell me a word that rhymes with _____________(repeat this exercise with different words from the song)
c) I am going to say a word from the song and you tell me what letter it begins with (select word from song)
d) Listen to the word I say and lets count the syllables (clap, snap, pat or stomp syllables with the class)
e) I am going to say a sentence from the story / song and you fill in the word that is missing
Example: Humpty Dumpty sat on a __________.
Humpty Dumpty had a great _____________.
All the kings horses and all the kings ___________
could put Humpty together ___________.
f) I am going to say part of a sentence and you finish the sentence.
Example: (teacher) Humpty Dumpty
(students) sat ona wall
(teacher) Humpty Dumpty
(students) had a great fall
(you can make the phrases longer or shorter
g) Once they are able to accomplish the task by phrases you can now do it by word. (T = Teacher and S = Students)
Example: (T) Humpty (S) Dumpty (T) sat (S) on (T) a (S) wall (continue with song)
* Complete Venn diagram and compare king’s horse and king’s men with similar characteristics in the middle (click for pdf)
* Complete a story map: title, setting, characters, problem, and solution.
* Use this song to practice echo reading, choral reading, buddy reading, and work on phonological awareness activities. (click for example)
* Use this printout to sequence the story. (click for pdf) +
* Change Humpty’s name. Have kids give you the first letter of their name to change Humpty’s name. Bob and Larry would turn Humpty Dumpty into “Bumpty Lumpty”.
* Create a silly class rhyming book by extension.
Example: Humpty Dumpty sat on a book. Humpty Dumpty thought he was a cook.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a log. Humpty Dumpty thought he was a frog; etc.
* Write these rhymes on a chart tablet and have children locate upper case, lower case, punctuations, rhyming words and letters in their names.
* Why did he crack? What’s the difference between a boiled and a soft egg? Study how they both react to the fall. Place eggs in a ziplock bag to avoid a mess! An extension idea is to drop egg on foam or any cushion-like surface to demonstrate different outcome.
* Have kids practice cracking and peeling boiled eggs as a healthy snack, or have kids practice cracking fresh eggs and scramble them all together.
* Where do eggs come from? Discuss chickens and eggs. What other animals lay eggs?
* Learn the meaning of the phrase, “Last one in is a rotten egg!”. What do eggs smell like? Prepare an experiment where you have a fresh boiled egg and a rotten egg in closed containers. Encourage students to smell the difference.
* Fill a pair of plastic eggs with different items like rice, beans, pasta, cotton, etc. Glue or tape them shut. Encourage students to use sound, weight and feel to find the match.
* Have students observe the difference in the rolling patterns of a hard-boiled egg as opposed to a raw egg.
* Place an raw egg (with shell) into a jar of vinegar. Let it stand for several days then let the students serve the difference in the egg. The shell will disintegrate and the egg will turn rubbery over time.
* What’s your favorite way to eat “The Incredible Edible Egg”? Share and discuss photographs of various ways to prepare an egg (scrambled, sunny-side up, hard-boiled, and deviled eggs). What’s your favorite way to eat an egg? Place pictures and have students create a graph (click for pdf)
* Use this printout to study the oval shape. Have students piece the “egg” back together with band aides. (click for pdf)
* Study the difference between a dozen and half dozen eggs. Write the numerals on the inside of the egg cartons. Draw dots on plastic or boiled eggs to correlate. Have kids match the numeral on the carton to the egg with the same number of dots. Extension question: How much money do you think it costs to buy a dozen eggs at the grocery store?
* Use this printout to pattern the bricks on the wall by coloring one red and one black then create a face for Humpty. (click for pdf)
* Introduce words “more” and “less”. Which egg weighs more, the boiled or raw one? You can also use two plastic eggs and fill one with more items to make it weigh more than the other. Allow them to hold one in each hand to feel the difference. Have children predict their answers. Chart your answers.
Social / Emotional
* Act out the song using stick puppets, masks or by assigning rolls. (click for pdf)
* Discuss the difference between reactions to accidents and actions that happen on purpose. How did Humpty Dumpty feel about falling and cracking? How did all the king’s men feel about the accident? Have you ever had an accident? Relate the topic to bullying. If Humpty was pushed off the wall it was dione by a bully…and that’s not nice.
* Glue ‘egg’spressions on your eggs and have kids share and discuss the emotion. How is Humpty feeling? Why is he feeling like this? What makes you feel like this? (click for pdf)
Physical / Outdoor
* Have an egg hunt.
* Play individual and relay races with an egg on a spoon or carried between their knees. Use plastic eggs or hard boiled eggs.
* Play the egg toss game.
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