Michael Boy



* Group students in pairs (by passing out tongue depressor or color bracelets and have them locate their partner) and read story and have students share their thoughts on questions asked (click here)  before, during and after reading the story, plus narrative questions (click for pdf)

* Things to share after reading book, singing and chanting song.

a) Listen to the words I say and tell me if they rhyme. boy – candy; boy – toy.(select a word from the song and a rhyming word and non-rhyming word)

b) Tell me a word that rhymes with boy.   (repeat this exercise with different words from the song – eyes, nose, hair, meat, etc.)

c) I am going to say a word from the song and you tell me what letter it begins with (select word from song)

d) Listen to the word I say and lets count the syllables (clap, snap, pat or stomp syllables with the class)

e) I am going to say part of a sentence and you finish the sentence.


                    (teacher) His hair was made of

                    (students) spaghetti

                    (teacher) His eyes were made of

                    (students) meatballs

                    (continue with song)

 f) Once they are able to accomplish the task by phrases you can now do it by word. (T = Teacher  and S = Students)

Example: (T) His   (S) hair  (T) was  (S) made  (T) of  (S) spaghetti (continue with song)

* Complete Venn diagram and compare characteristics of a boy and dad or girl and mom or bedroom and kitchen or living room (click for pdf)

* Complete a story map: title, setting, characters, problem, and solution.

* Use this song to practice echo reading, choral reading, buddy reading, and work on phonological awareness activities (click for example)

* Use pictures of from the song to create a rebus chart reading (click for pdf)

* Create different ending to the story…his neck was made of ________, legs were made of ______, his arms were made of ________, etc.

* As a class, create silly alliterative sentences. Example: 

Michael makes messy milkshakes

Mickey Mouse minds Minnie Mouse

* Use this song to practice echo reading, choral reading, buddy reading, and work on phonological awareness activities. (click for example) create video

* Using flash cards, grocery fliers, or the game cards from the math activities to change the lyrics to the song and practice more vocabulary.  Have each child choose a food, chant the song, and call on a child to reveal their food and change the lyrics.

* Create silly alliterative sentences using the students name and food.

Example:  Annie ate all her apples.

(b- bananas; c-carrots; etc.)


* Introduce fruits and vegetables:  Print out pages and allow students to color and create their own fruit and vegetable book. (click for pdf)

* Guess the Food.  Have a mystery bag with a fruit or vegetable inside. Describe the food and have children try to guess what is in the bag.  Extension:  Have a child choose a food to put in the bag and let him describe it, or have the others ask descriptive questions (Example:  Is the food green?  Do you eat the peel?)  Give beginning sounds as a hint.

* Introduce real fruits and vegetables and allow student to touch, smell, shake and later taste.  Allow students to hold two fruits or vegetables and ask them which one is bigger; heavier; smoother; rougher; smaller; brighter; etc.  Chant this song and modify it to the fruits and vegetables students are touching and eating.

“Carrot, carrot, carrot, you’re so good to eat.  Carrot, carrot, carrot, you really are a treat!

* Cut open fruits and vegetables and count seed found inside.  You can also bring seed from the store to sort by size or color.

* You can also use the vegetable to play “What’s missing?”  Lay 3 or 4 fruits or vegetables in a row and repeat the names 3 times.  Have kids close their eyes while you remove one item and hide it behind your back.  Ask kids to open their eyes and guess what’s missing.  Extension:  cut up all the veggies and serve for snack! (click for pdf)

*  Use cut-outs of fruit and vegetables and have students create their own face, just like Michael-Boy. Use the sample art illustration of the fruit and vegetables faces. art (click for pdf)  face (click for pdf)

Two things make a pair (hold up two fingers.)
And on me, I’ll show you where 
(point to self)
I have two ears, and I have two eyes.
 (point to ears and eyes)
Both are important to make me wise!
I have two holes in my nose. 
(point to nose)
That lets me smell a beautiful rose 
(Pretend to smell a rose)
I have two hands that clap a beat.
 (Clap hands)
I have two feet that are really neat! 
(Jump up and down)


* Using a balance scale (you can create one using a hanger, four pipe cleaners or pieces of yarn, and two Dixie cups or zip-lock baggies) and have students predict which fruit is heavier or lighter; weighs more than or less than. (click for pdf)

* Make fruit prints by putting paint on a paper plate.  Cut fruit and veggies in halves (discuss whole / half).  Dip fruit / vegetable (apples and potatoes) in to paint and have kids make pattern prints on sentence strips.

* Sort and count the different types/shapes of pasta (you can also use multi-colored pasta and sort by color).  Glue pasta in patterns and rows.

* Seed estimating. Have kids guess how many seeds are in an apple, orange, and in other fruits.  Cut it open and count to find out.

Social / Emotional

* Act out the song using stick puppets, masks or by assigning roles. (click for pdf)

* Discussion questions can be talked about in a group or with partners as conversation practice.  Have kids pick a colored Popsicle stick or card and match the color to find their partner. After talking, ask kids to answer questions about their partner.

–Topic A: Talk about food and feelings.  How does it feel to have a cold drink on a hot day?  Or a hot drink on a cold day?  How does it feel when mom makes your favorite food?

–Topic B:  Discuss healthy habits like nutrition, cleanliness, and exercise to keep our bodies fit and help us stay strong.

–Topic C:  Talk about healthy vs. unhealthy snacks.  carrots vs. chips; cucumbers vs. candies;  water vs. soda; celery vs. cookies. Have students cut, and glue healthy and junk food and place them in the appropriate category. happy= healthy and sad=junk. (click on pdf) smaller pics (click for pdf)

* Introduce some fruits and vegetables and allow children to try a variety of different fruits. Graph their favorites.  Pass out pictures from pdf to each student and have them describe their fruit or vegetable and sing song with class.

Fruits and Vegetables  (Old McDonald)

Vegetables are good for me,
And so I eat them happily,
With a carrot here,
and a carrot there
Here a carrot, there a carrot
Everywhere a carrot, carrot.
Vegetables are good for me,

(change to… All the fruits are good for me – when using fruits)

* Have students create a fruit and vegetable collage from grocery flyers and magazines.  Extension activity when completed is to sing:

Are You Eating (Tune: Are You Sleeping)

Are you eating, are you eating
Healthy foods, healthy foods?
For your body needs them, for your body needs them
Everyday, everyday.

* Fruit painting: Cut apples horizontal and dip in blue paint create blue sky and stars and cut celery stalk 2-3 inches above create red roses.

Physical / Outdoor

* Food Charades. Take turns acting out different cooking and eating actions. Some examples include: eating soup, washing dishes, or peeling a banana.

* Sing and move to “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”.  Start slow and increase tempo as the song is repeated. You can also incorporate “The Hokey Pokey” to expand body part awareness. Have students create a book by cutting and gluing the parts of the song in the correct order. (click for pdf)

* Have kids run relay races by placing orange under their chin or hard boiled  on spoon. (outside activity)

* Practice cross lateral movement by chanting the following phrases and alternating from cross lateral to same side movement.

I have two ears (cross arms: right hand touching left ear and left hand touching right ear)

And also two eyes, (right pointer finger touching right eye, and left pointer finger touching left eye)

I touch my elbows (cross arms again touching elbows)

and also my head, (bother hands on head)

my knees, (cross arms again touching knees)

and my nose (both pointer fingers on nose)

* Go outside and walk, march, and jog while chanting or singing this song:

I can walk with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can walk with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can skip with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can skip with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can jump with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can jump with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can hop with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can hop with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can march with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can march with two feet, two feet, all day long.

I can run with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can run with two feet, two feet, all day long.
I can slide with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can slide with two feet, two feet, all day long.

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