* Group students in pairs (by passing out tongue depressor and having them locate their partner) and read story and have students share their thoughts on questions asked (click here) before, during and after reading the story, plus narrative questions (click for pdf)
* Things to share after reading book, singing and chanting song.
a) Listen to the words I say and tell me if they rhyme. (little – house; little – middle; continue with monkey, bed, jumping, mama, etc.)
b) Tell me a word that rhymes with (bed) (repeat this exercise with different words from the song)
c) I am going to say a word from the song and you tell me what letter it begins with (select word from song)
d) Listen to the word I say and lets count the syllables (clap, snap, pat or stomp syllables with the class)
e) I am going to say a sentence from the story / song and you fill in the word that is missing
Example: Five little monkeys jumping on the _____________
f) I am going to say part of a sentence and you finish the sentence.
Example: (teacher) Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
(students) one fell off and bumped his head.
(teacher) mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
(students) no more monkeys jumping on the bed.
(you can make the phrases longer or shorter)
g) Once they are able to accomplish the task by phrases you can now do it by (T = Teacher and S = Students)
Example: (T) Five (S) little (T) monkeys (S) jumping (T) on (S) the (T) bed (continue with song)
* Complete Venn diagram and compare characteristics of mama and the doctor with similar characteristics in the middle (click for pdf)
* Complete a story map: title, setting, characters, problem, and solution.
* Use this song to practice echo reading, choral reading, buddy reading, and work on phonological awareness activities (click for example)
* As a class, create silly alliterative sentences.
Monkeys munched on many mangos
Monkeys eat melons in the mountains
* Use this song to practice echo reading, choral reading, buddy reading, and work on phonological awareness activities. (click for example) create video
* Try a new rhyme. Example: Five little monkeys jumping on the couch. One fell off and he said “Ouch”. Mama called the doctor the doctor said, “_______”. (have the monkeys brushed their teeth…take a bath…comb their hair, etc.
* Use synonyms. Chant song and change the word little – small, tiny, petite, and miniscule / bumped – hit, smacked, knocked, and banged.
* Chant the song using little and the other synonyms while squatting and chant the song while standing while adding the antonyms: five big monkeys, huge, giant, enormous, gigantic
* Clap the rhythm to the song or chant.
Monkey see,
monkey do,
do you want to be a monkey too?
* Change the song to include different actions and body parts.
Five little monkeys climbing on the bed, one fell off and bumped his neck
* Act out climbing (stretching, yawning, eating, dancing, etc.) and repeat verse to reinforce new word and action /movement –
* Use this song to address monkeys real habitat…trees not beds.
Five little monkeys swinging from a tree,
(Wave all five fingers)
teasing Mr. Crocodile,
(make a teasing face…tongue out, thumbs in ears, & wiggling fingers)
“You can’t catch me! You can’t catch me!
(Move pointer finger at alligator).
Along comes Mr. Alligator, quiet as can be,
(Make alligator with stretched out arms and both hands together)
and SNAP (Clap hands together)
that monkey right out of that tree!
* Introduce body parts by chanting song and substituting head for other body parts. Have each student select a body part of use these cue cards to help your students with body parts. (click for pdf)
Five little monkey jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his elbow (shoulder, ankle, chest, neck, etc.)
* Discover what band-aides and bandages really do. Show examples of different types. Explain that they keep a wound clean and protect it from germs so it can heal. Have the kids practice putting a band-aide on a partner. Have students color their monkey and place a band-aide on any body part of the monkey (head, arm, leg, stomach, shoulder, etc.) (click for pdf)
* Study parts of the body. Instead of saying “one fell off and bumped his head” you can begin to substitute head with other parts of the body to reinforce body parts. (click for pdf)
* Print out these fun facts about monkeys and monkey pictures and cut into cards to create a matching game. (click for pdf)
* Printout monkey stick puppets and take turn giving 5 children a stick puppet and have them jump and then request certain students to fall. Then ask the class how many monkeys are still on the bed.
* Print, cut, and laminate and use as visual. You can also glue laminated monkeys to small clothes pins or vel-cro to connect with bed. As you take monkeys away, ask how many are left. Write the problem out. (click for pdf)
* For a whole group activity, stamp the kids’ fingers to draw monkeys on them. Have the children fold a finger down every time a monkey jumps off the bed.
* Have students use five fingers from one hand to chant song and move hand up and down. Introduce 5 using two hands (one hand has four fingers and the other has 1 finger) chant song and move both hands up and down; repeat using 3 fingers in one hand and 2 in the other.
* Print out these five bananas and have students color them and cut. Place them on a paper plate to introduce (+) and (-) and have students chant: (click for pdf)
“Five bananas on my plate, I ate one (1) and now there’s ______.
Once done practicing and chanting, students can glue bananas to plate.
Extension: Pass out real bananas and plastic knives and have students cut the banana into five pieces and place on paper plate and chant:
“Five slices of bananas on my plate, I ate one (1) and now there’s ______.
Social / Emotional
* Act, recite, and chant out the song using stick puppets, masks or by assigning roles. (click for pdf)
* Have students color their mask and play monkey see monkey do. Have students in a circle and have one student go to middle and create a move and the rest of the class imitate the same move. Allow every student to have a chance to be in the middle to create their own move. mask 1 (click for pdf) mask 2 (click for pdf)
* Discussion questions can be talked about in a group or with partners as conversation practice.
Topic A: Have you ever been to the doctor? Were you scared? What did the doctor do? Did it hurt? Did the doctor make it better? How did the doctor make you feel? Safe, scared, nervous…etc?
Topic B: What can happen if we don’t do what adults tell us? Tell a story about a time when you got hurt. What were you doing? Did an adult ask you to stop? Then what happened? What make you feel better? Will you do that again?
Topic C: What kind of a doctor takes care of monkeys? Have you ever taken your pet to the vet? How do you think your pet felt? Did the veterinarian help your pet?
Topic D: Have you ever seen a monkey? Where? What was it doing? Has anyone ever called you a monkey? Why did they think you were acting like a monkey?
Topic E: What amazing things can monkeys do? What amazing things can kids do? How are monkeys and kids alike and different.
Topic F: Have you ever been playing and accidentally broken something? What broke? How did you fix it? Was anyone mad about it? What made them feel better?
Physical / Outdoor
* Sing and chant “Five Little Monkeys” while incorporating movement to the song to the “macarena” (click for video)
* Chant the song and substitute jumping to other actions and have students act-out the action (ex. swimming, running, stretching, yawning, bending, dancing, etc.)
* Practice counting down from 5-1 using a whispering tone. Start standing and have kids squat down a little each time a say a number. When you hit zero you jump up like monkeys while making monkeys sounds.
* Take a bed sheet and a ball outside. Tell the kids the ball is like the monkey jumping on the bed. See how many times you can make it bounce. Have each child hold the edge of the sheet. When the sheet is pulled tight, roll on a lightweight ball and encourage the kids to move the sheet in a way that keeps the ball from falling off. Count the number of bounces.
* Play a Monkey See, Monkey Do version of Simon Says.
* Monkeys Moving with Manners (using monkey masks): Form two lines facing each other. The challenge is to move forward past the other line without any monkeys touching each other. As they try to avoid from touching each other they must also say, “excuse me”
* What do monkeys eat? Bananas!
Form, form, form the banana (Move right arm up over head,
moving your hands in a circular motion as you go up)
Form, form, form the banana (move left arm up over head to
“form” banana, moving your hand in a circular motion)
Peel, peel, peel the banana (move right arm down to side, moving
hand in circular motion)
Peel, peel, peel the banana (do the same for left arm as above)
GO bananas, go!, go!, go bananas! (kids jump around and go
“bananas” like monkeys)
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